Product Description
Welcome to Shifa Psychological Services – the home of holistic counseling and therapeutic services for men and women, boys and girls, young and old, single and married.
This service is based in the beautiful northern hemisphere of the earth, in the city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. If you have some time, visit the picture gallery to appreciate the beauty of this part of the world.
Here you will find life coaching, cyber counseling and therapy, community and professional training workshops, on line webinars and small group counseling, frequently asked questions and answers, and some web lessons on personal growth as well as brief articles on psychological, emotional and spiritual issues.
All services are geared towards facilitating meaningful changes in individuals and interpersonal relationships, as well as raising awareness of the communities about the rapidly increasing marital, family and youth issues and how to best handle them cohesively and meaningfully.
Browse around, learn and grow, and enjoy your stay here. If you like anything, do let us know. If you dislike anything, let us know that too. Your constructive feedback is always welcome here as it would help us grow along with you.