Product Description
To establish a network of sheltering projects which provide a safe and nurturing environment for Muslim women and children so that they may be given equal opportunities to excel, grow, and thrive with respect and dignity.
The Need
Each night, thousands of Muslim women and children in Canada go through traumatic experiences stemming from abuse, immigration issues, homelessness, and poverty. The solution to these issues is not always clear but by creating a safe place for the women and children to reside in whilst the solutions are created is the first step.
The Solution
The creation of Sakeenah Homes was imminent. We sought to fulfill a need in our communities by providing safe homes for Muslim women and children to reside in whilst caseworkers help them with their cases. Sakeenah Homes provides a holistic approach to ensuring that the women and children who reside in the homes will be safe and healthy whilst their cases are being dealt with.
Additionally, keeping in mind that many times, women and children have family or friends to reside with after leaving an abusive situation, it was important for us to begin remote casework. Remote casework is where clients do not have to live in the shelter setting but can still work with caseworkers for referrals, getting secure housing, and receive counselling services.
100% of your Zakat goes to the women and children.
Since inception, we have believed that every penny of Zakat donated by our generous donors would go to the women and children we help. The Nest is our group of donors who cover our operating costs so that we can continue to help those who need it.